Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Anti-virus and anti-spyware should be the prevention before you need the cure

We get a lot of calls from people who have a range of symptoms from a slow running computer to one that won't run at all to one that runs things all by itself. Then we hit the task of trying find and eliminate some evil virus, spyware, trojan, bot, etc.

Anyone who has been infected knows how terrible it can be. You face the loss of data, work hours (or days), and the trust of those you work with and for. Your company could even get blacklisted and other companies won't accept email from you anymore. (If only the post office would adopt a similar policy with snail mail.)

So what is the best way to get rid of the bad stuff we get infected with? Don't get it in the first place! You won't be able to stop everyting, all the time. Even the most secure networks have the occasional issue. But prevention is far less costly - in time and money - than fixing a problem once you have it.

Most of the products that will help you clean up a mess are designed to actually prevent it. They usually have a system to get updates and find out about the latest infections and keep an eye out for them so they get stopped before they do too much if any damage to your system.

I have met people who try to get by without some form of protection. Most of the time, I met them when they called us to try to save their computer after it got infected.

Especially if you rely on your computers and data to run your business, you must plan to prevent.

The truth is, you are going to spend money taking action against viruses and spyware. You can spend a little bit up front, or you can spend a lot later and hope you can survive the attack. Either way, dealing with malware is a part of running a business.

Terry Crowe
I.T. Solutions for Small Businesses

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