Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How is Windows 7 better than previous versions ?

Author: Richard Wilson

Will Windows 7 stand up to the expectations of the users and will prove to be a perfect Operating System? This is a question which is yet to be answered. After encountering problems with Windows Vista, many people are apprehensive about the new member of Microsoft family. Microsoft has tried its best to overcome the problems that users faced with Vista along with the set of new features that will prove to be helpful in enhancing user experience.

There are many factors that indicate that the new OS will prove to be better than all other previous versions. After a slow Vista, Windows users are desperately waiting for a faster system, something just like Windows XP or better. Microsoft has granted this wish to the users. Windows 7 is fast. It boots itself within 30 seconds. When compared with boot time of Windows Vista, Windows 7 is far better. Built-in Internet Explorer of the new OS is also much quicker than its previous versions. But only being faster is not enough for users to upgrade their systems. Of course, not!

Windows 7 is much more stable than others. Many people who have used this version claim that they have never encountered the blue screen of death on their system. Moreover, the computers having a low performance configuration and hardware specification, will also be able to work with Windows 7 (while Vista failed to run on it) as it has minimal hardware requirements.

Windows has sometimes been criticized to be an unsecure system in many aspects. Hackers have been targeting Windows systems for a long time now. Many enhanced security features have been added by Microsoft in its new OS that determines how sensitive it is about security and protecting its users' data and privacy. New security applications have been introduced to the users to keep their private data secure and at bay from unauthorized hands. Internet Explorer 8, which comes as a default browser with Windows 7, creates a more secure environment for internet users.

Apart from these improvements, users interface has been extensively enhanced. Many features like jump lists, appLocker, BitLocker to Go, Improved desktop contribute to simplifying and securing the day to day tasks. Hence, Windows 7 is a better Operating System with enhanced performance that comes as a blessing for users.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/computers-articles/how-is-windows-7-better-than-previous-versions--1529582.html

About the Author:

Richard Wilson is a technical expert with iYogi. iYogi a computer services, computer help and technical support vendor is the winner of Red Herring Top 100 Award. iYogi provides microsoft support, windows vista repair, computer support, microsoft support, dell support, computer repair, computer tech support etc. by Microsoft Certified Technician

Monday, November 16, 2009

Facebook and the workplace

If your office hasn't been affected by Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and the like, you better go check your Internet connection. It may be disconnected!

Social Media is being had for good and evil by every nation, kindred, tongue, people - and business.

Some businesses are using it to boost awareness, increase exposure, launch new products, create or solidify their brand, and educate their customers (and potential customers). Good stuff.

Other businesses are merely being sucked into the effects of social media and suffering the consequences - lost productivity, lost opportunity, and lost profits due to employees wasting time - and lots of it on social media sites.

Whether you are using it to help your business, or your employees are on it all day long instead of getting their job done and servicing your customers, it is all about knowing how to deal with it.

In our next couple blogs, we will be talking about how to use social media for good, and how to stop it from having a negative effect on your business.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Somebody's gonna get a virus...

Viruses are funny things. Someone has to get one before we can figure out what it is, what it does, and how to protect everyone else from it.

It is a constant battle. We have to keep up to date. We have to be constantly evolving in our means of protecting our data. That is why it's critical to choose a product that will be dynamic and grow in its ability to keep up with new threats.

Sometimes, we have clients that get frustrated that they just had their computers cleaned up 6 months ago and it's running slowly again. They say "It must not have been fixed right." and figure that it is just the same issue that was never resolved.

That's like saying I changed the oil in my car a few years ago - what do you mean I need to do it again?!?

Computers require regular maintenance. That's a fact. If you try to avoid it. Be prepared for a slow, inefficient computer that is eventually going to crash.

Terry Crowe
I.T. Solutions for Small Businesses

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Anti-virus and anti-spyware should be the prevention before you need the cure

We get a lot of calls from people who have a range of symptoms from a slow running computer to one that won't run at all to one that runs things all by itself. Then we hit the task of trying find and eliminate some evil virus, spyware, trojan, bot, etc.

Anyone who has been infected knows how terrible it can be. You face the loss of data, work hours (or days), and the trust of those you work with and for. Your company could even get blacklisted and other companies won't accept email from you anymore. (If only the post office would adopt a similar policy with snail mail.)

So what is the best way to get rid of the bad stuff we get infected with? Don't get it in the first place! You won't be able to stop everyting, all the time. Even the most secure networks have the occasional issue. But prevention is far less costly - in time and money - than fixing a problem once you have it.

Most of the products that will help you clean up a mess are designed to actually prevent it. They usually have a system to get updates and find out about the latest infections and keep an eye out for them so they get stopped before they do too much if any damage to your system.

I have met people who try to get by without some form of protection. Most of the time, I met them when they called us to try to save their computer after it got infected.

Especially if you rely on your computers and data to run your business, you must plan to prevent.

The truth is, you are going to spend money taking action against viruses and spyware. You can spend a little bit up front, or you can spend a lot later and hope you can survive the attack. Either way, dealing with malware is a part of running a business.

Terry Crowe
I.T. Solutions for Small Businesses

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Find out how dual monitors can save you money.

Many times, it is a little change to your network or your computer that can have a huge effect on your productivity. One such change would be using dual monitors.

There have been recent studies showing a 54% increase in productivity by using more than one monitor. By opening up your workspace and limiting the switching between windows, your work can flow better and you can get more things done faster.

I have told our customers for some time now that if they try two monitors for a week (it usually only takes a day or two) they will not understand how they ever got anything done with just one.

No one I know has ever gone back to one.

The cost of a second monitor these days is surprisingly low - especially when you take into account the money save by getting 54% more work done each day. How much do you pay your staff for a months worth of work? What is 54% of that number? That is how much you might save with an investment in a second monitor.

You would of course need to assess what kind of work is being done by each employee. Some people are not made more efficient because of what type of tasks they perform. For others, the improvement will astound you.

If you have any questions, or any comments, experiences, etc., let us know.

Terry Crowe
I.T. Solutions for Small Businesses

QeNETS gets a blog!

Well, it's like the mechanic who's car is never worked on, or the builder who's home is never quite finished. Being a company that helps small businesses use technology to grow their business, you would have expected us to have all our technology in place. But alas, we have been so busy helping others get things done that we have not gotten around to our own - until now.

I will be using this tool to help keep people informed on technology and ways to use technology to get the edge in their business and ride through the tough economy we are all in. We will be talking about things that you can do to get more customers, increase profits, and reduce headaches caused by systems that just don't make things simpler for you.

So... here we go.

Terry Crowe
I.T. Solutions for Small Businesses